St. Augustine Seville

St. Augustine Seville

400 Sq. Ft. Pallets
Seville is considered a dwarf cultivar that is a much finer textured grass than Floratam. Seville is blue-green in color with excellent color retention. Seville tolerates salt, shade, and drought well. Its leaf blade gives it a unique appearance preferred by many homeowners. It is considered one of the most shade tolerant turf grass among the St Augustine grasses.

It can tolerate wide pH ranges, from the acidic soils often found inland to the high pH soils of the coastal areas. Because Seville can tolerate and persist in areas within a lawn with only 6 to 7 hours of sunlight, it is considered a favorite choice among landscapers for lawns with moderate shade. Seville, like all other cultivars of St Augustine grass, establishes quickly in most environments.

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